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15:13 31/01/2015

Thank you to John for owning BW! PI's should DYOR but if we didn't get John's excellent perspective because he had filtered BW or just couldn't be bothered to reply, a lot of PIs might get shafted. To some that's just tough but LGO need Pis to go long and support their company. This is by far my best investment to date even though I'm not yet in profit. Thanks again John for your insightful postings, much appreciated.

14:55 31/01/2015

If, as many posters say, the city knows big news before it happens; wouldn't there have been significant movement before now if an offer was imminent? How much notice would they get over mere mortals anyway?

09:25 31/01/2015

AIM is a gamble! My gamble with LGO shares will play out over the next few years. It looks like BW's gamble will play out next week and he's trying to hedge his bet?

16:25 30/01/2015

See the rampers are pumping up the rhetoric for the weekend?

16:21 30/01/2015

RE: Get a grip. Yes but it's the most excitement we've had for a week or two. Perchance to dream?

15:18 30/01/2015

Averaged down to 16.5p. Have great hopes for this share but it might take a while

10:07 30/01/2015

All this talk about oil going to $30! It might well do or even $25, the important point is how long it would remain at this level? It's only the average that matters to a greater extent. I can't see NR deciding to suspend Capex because of a spot price of oil. I defy anyone on here or in the greater universe to accurately predict the price of oi, I've read that many predictions part of my cerebral cortex has shut down.

08:49 30/01/2015

Lets hope for a more optimistic February and March because December and January suck!

08:47 30/01/2015

These links are regularly highlighted but they are completely irrelevant. This share is going absolutely nowhere; all I can do is keep my fingers crossed the apparent talent locked into this company will eventually turn my loses into a profit. Agree with previous poster that no one cares but without any sort or news, there is precious little to care about!

10:02 29/01/2015

I have been invested here since news last year and managed to average down to 18p. Can anyone explain the process, should an offer be made? I understand that the SP will re-rate as soon as a firm offer is made and there might or might not be a bidding war. However, let's say it's 62p less effects of dilution and debt and the final price is 50p; in light of the fact only the assets are being sold, therefore, I will still have all my shares in and empty shell (old CRND), will I be able to realise the full sale value of 50p per share or could the SP suddenly increase or decrease. In other words at what point after the sale is agreed can I sell my shares and will I be able to sell them for the full value at point of sale?
