guyswonga74's Posts

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10:41 30/07/2014

CRND starting to take off guys

10:41 30/07/2014

4.5 k buy at 11.99p last chance guys

10:34 30/07/2014

this is startign to move, expect 16p - 20p by friday

14:51 03/06/2014

Buyers are back

13:44 03/06/2014

lunchtime lull, should see buyers returning as offer hits 18

08:09 03/06/2014

early morning shake

16:16 02/06/2014

Buys at full ask now

16:14 30/05/2014

worth a few hundred quid

16:14 30/05/2014

mmm shall i buy in

08:07 29/05/2014

CAZA flying
