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16:24 04/10/2014

Anyone interested in discussing SolGold activity in Ecuador from a serious longterm investor perspective? Particularly interested in information regarding mining political developments in Ecuadir

16:32 01/10/2014

Day investors must have guts of steel. Flipping SolGold is not for the weak of heart. Long term serious investors will be rewarded when SolGold sells out to Ecuador's next prime mining contractor. While we wait, SolGold is brilliantly keeping sp on life support.

15:38 11/09/2014

All this negativity is unnecessary. Investors who are in for the long haul need not worry at all. The product is there no doubt about it. The hold up is caused by SolGold seeking to cash in at just the right time, i.e. when Ecuador selects its prime mining sector partner (likely China) and when that partner buys out SolGold. If you bought in at 5 sp or lower, you will make handsome profits.

19:41 04/09/2014

Nice one Riz, GLA

17:56 07/08/2014

Only reason to buy now is if you truly believe that China will buy out Solgold. No signs yet that it will do so. If it does, you are in luck if you bought in at 4sp or lower.

08:12 06/08/2014

rrl flying in auction now

16:37 03/08/2014

There is only one reason to hold: waiting to see if China will buy out SolGold so that a profit can be made for those who bought in at 4p. If you bought in at higher, you are out of luck.

16:20 31/07/2014

Time to buy! SolGold is waiting to see what China will do in Ecuador mineral exploitation. Will it buy out SolGold or push it aside?

16:25 04/07/2014

According to USA Bloomberg Report on July 4, "Home to South America’s third-largest oil reserves and untapped copper reserves similar to those of Chile and Peru, the world’s top producers, Ecuador has granted Chinese companies access to copper mines and oil fields since the default." In my opinion, it's better to monitor the cooper politics in Ecuador vice second-guessing drill hole data, in order to estimate SolGold chances in Ecuador. I suspect that Solgold is strategically waiting to see if China will swoop in to take over cooper exploitation in Ecuador.

19:19 26/06/2014

Well thats 13 million of these .ive got great visions of the nxt 2 years.i am suggesting codelco will jv or buy our discovery.i would be very happy for 30p in share price in two years buyout not guessing but we might have in excess of 5 bn tonnes min in nort west and central much would that be worth a lot i buy buy at 8pcrazy price..