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AFE ripley94 04 May 2024

ripley9408:42 4th May 2024 (B) 432,627 ( Por ) 652,464 ( debt ) -221,792 (Day ) -221,792 ( Available ) 62,624 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -114,991 , monies in 696 out 2,000. = 1304 withdrawn. ripley9419 Apr 2024 The new marker is 545,326 Beaten by 107,138 which is better then two weeks ago 107,138 - 93,574 = by 13,564

AFE ripley94 04 May 2024

4th May 2024 (B) 432,627 ( Por ) 652,464 ( debt ) -221,792 (Day ) -221,792 ( Available ) 62,624 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -114,991 , monies in 696 out 2,000. = 1304 withdrawn.

AFE ripley94 19 Apr 2024

The new marker is 546,630 Beaten by 93,574 which is worse then two weeks ago 98,147 - 93,574 = by 4,573

AFE ripley94 19 Apr 2024

19th April 2024 (B) 419,680 ( Por ) 640,204 ( debt ) -220,523 (Day ) 3,170 ( Available ) 48,493 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -127,240 , monies in 2,960.62 out 2,000. = 960.62 added.

AFE ripley94 07 Apr 2024

The Marker was beaten by 99,873 ( 6,686 better ) on 10th March 2024 , today one month on 98,147 ( worse by 1,726 )

AFE ripley94 07 Apr 2024

643,816 Port - the new marker is 545,669 ( 535,947 + 9,722 added funds ) = Marker beaten by 98,147

AFE ripley94 07 Apr 2024

7th April 2024 (B) 423,574 ( Por ) 643,816 ( debt ) -220,241 (Day ) 1,550 ( Available ) 53,697 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -122,431 , monies in 9,722.

AFE ripley94 01 Apr 2024

The marker was beaten by 178,589 this time last year 1st April 2023 and by over 300,000 two years ago in April 2022 . The margin over 50,000 well above forced sell risk concern, and desired buffer.

AFE ripley94 01 Apr 2024

Monies in and out should affect the balance 420,744.09 , not the Portfolio value , and is added and taken from marker.

AFE ripley94 01 Apr 2024

The 648,303 Portfolio is better then any noted this calendar year , funds in and out N/A to compare marker. ( last on 10th March 535,947 , moves up and down with cash in and out )

AFE ripley94 01 Apr 2024

Port a little better on Easter Monday 1/4/24 . The Defenx loss ( [link] ) appeared at bottom of page when I looked at trade history over past year from 1/4/23 to 31/3/24, there was 517 of them. note on LSE.

AFE velvetdewey 13 Mar 2024

Re: AFE Stream Log Hey! I'm new here.

AFE ripley94 10 Mar 2024

635,820 Port - the new marker is 535,947..545,349 - 9402 ( 11,000 out 1598 in ) beaten by 99,873 ( 6,686 better )

AFE ripley94 10 Mar 2024

10th March 2024 (B) 403,986 ( Por ) 635,820 ( debt ) -231,834 (Day ) 2,585 ( Available ) 29,289 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -132,298

AFE ripley94 03 Feb 2024

638,536 Port - the new marker is 545,349.... 546,349 - 1000 Marker beaten by 93,187 ( 1,176 worse )
