LGO Stream Log

16:04 08/04/2015

And yet he is not capable of putting out news to help the share price. sorry not a fan of NR, DL new how to get things moving

15:58 08/04/2015

Its called robbery

15:39 08/04/2015

I only hope some one does not know something we dont this lack of any news is killing the share price NR should give that job to some one else he is cr-p at it.

14:14 08/04/2015

FSA should be all over these Bas----s just a load of theives

14:12 08/04/2015

Some one is desperate to keep this down today 500k trenches keep going in

10:33 08/04/2015

Ms should be taken to task for all this manipulation, robbing barstewards

23:04 07/04/2015

Ms are creating a falls market they need as many shares as they can get cheap, we all know were this is going its being held down till they are ready to let it go then it will move up fast long before PIs have a chance to get back in. patience is needed now we have waited a long time a few more months will not matter just grab as many as you can and wait, not give them away cheap, i have built my holding from 200,000 to 900,000 and am happy to hold for as long as it takes.

22:56 07/04/2015

Not a share to have stop loss on if i were PIs i would take them of or they could be losing out, i would not trust the market to protect my shares, they will do what they need to to rob PIs of their shares.not the first time and will not be the last

19:22 01/04/2015

NR aught to get his finger out and get some news out we have waited long enough.

15:30 01/04/2015

Sad to see this ticking down again after another bright start today, looks like we will have to wait even longer before it goes up and stays there.
