LGO Stream Log

19:33 12/04/2015

I think the sad part is this should never have dropped below 3p to begin with, were it not for shorts we would be well on our way now.

20:24 11/04/2015

This would never have dropped as low as this with DL at the helm. and i dont care what the price of oil is DL woud have spun it to sound like it was a positive and even if the price did drop it would not be this low. NR shouldTake a tip from DL

15:18 11/04/2015

the problem is Subt we should not have to ask these questions he should be putting them out on RNS so we dont have to ask, the man is a Scrap CEO

23:53 10/04/2015

We have been waiting for this Lact meter for so long i am begining to think they were making it up to keep us sweet the same with this 5000 gallon storage tank seems to be going on for ever but that is what you get when NR does not give out any news on progress.

23:49 10/04/2015

Am i right in thinking that the next seven wells will be shallow drills just to the C Sands or are they deep wells, i am sure i read that they were all shallow drills.

14:44 10/04/2015

I have always thought that they dont move fast enough over there those workers are so laid back they are sleep walking

13:03 10/04/2015

I wish NR was as good at giving out info as DL he is mustard, NR aught to get a reality check he likes to go on share profit but who watches that, just aught to get a grip

22:49 08/04/2015

In 18months this will still be on two pence the way NR gets news out.

22:23 08/04/2015

a lot of money will exit this tomorrow for ukog like rats deserting a sinking ship

16:08 08/04/2015

I here a lot of good things said about NR on here but he has single handed watched this share price drop from 6.9 to 2p without putting out any news to help what so ever, in my mind he is a jock who just struck lucky.
