Providence Resources - PVR Stream Log

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08:12 29/08/2017

LSE up 10 % , Do we have a bite ?

08:10 29/08/2017

LSE Trading . No Suspension or Update

07:58 29/08/2017

7.57 am Nothing . It has to be someway positive

11:35 28/08/2017

Possible second well. I see on the LSE board that the Ice-Max has moved approximately 1 KM SSW, is this really the position of the maximum peak in the Drombeg reservoir?( I am trying to work this from the seismic data in the PVR end of year report) Does anyone think there could be a second/third drill on the cards? Could this be ordered/arranged at such short notice? ...Hoping for a positive RNS tomorrow GLA who are Long

17:58 27/08/2017

No good news coming there would have been huge volume friday.. Expect more water

10:21 25/08/2017

Its possible we haven't hit target dept yet

09:42 25/08/2017


14:53 16/08/2017

Bitcoin Time again

10:23 16/08/2017

Perhaps Jnr. Just got his Leaving Cert. Results ..... Not enough Points for College I Guess !!!!!!!!

09:45 16/08/2017

Hi Jimmy , Any Guidance Here on a quick in ~out
