Falkland Oil & Gas - Re: FOGL Stream Log - Humpy 's F1,F2, F3 ancient...

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20:59 07/10/2015

Humpy 's F1,F2, F3 ancient lakes are all containing of fresh water organic material , the precursor of oil Plankton dropped in a no oxygen confinement area from 120 million years to 90 million years ago. 30 million years a 3+ delta fan lake settlements. Why? The "Graben" down slope of a150 million years ago separation of Africa and South America is pure Nonsence! The volcanic axis , uplift Patagonia area "the Austral line of volcanoes and calderas are thr start of the Scotia Sea structure pushed east. The Caribbean Sea has a similar axis of volcanoes at the 19 -21 latitude line. The bay of Campeche oil may be a mirror image of the Diomedia fan complex!
