sully100's Posts

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11:10 21/02/2016

Hey Spuddy. No, a dont have access to the page. But it looks like somebody at providence resources has pulled the finger out and now we have a progress update and a salery cut in feburary. Is it our former legel advice lady thst got promoted? Something seems to have changed either way. For the better. I hope.

10:58 21/02/2016

[link] mansgement pay cut of 20%

07:11 22/01/2016

SEARCHER SEISMIC AND PROVIDENCE AGREE TERMS FOR 3D SEISMIC ACQUISITION OVER NEWGRANGE PROSPECT AS PART OF SEARCHER'S PLANNED MULTI-CLIENT 3 D SURVEY.....rns this morning. First peep we get this year. They are alive at least. No hint to news that actually matters to the survival of the company just yet.

11:34 17/11/2015

Utterly ignorant comment sobeit

12:49 16/10/2015

Same as u haribo. Regrets ive had a few.

07:22 21/09/2015
11:15 01/09/2015

If we did get a farm out this share would rocket.

10:47 29/08/2015

I was able to view the link on computer. Didnt work on mobile. Thanks

13:49 28/08/2015

Tidd83 link wont work. Can you paste in text. Thanks

23:19 24/08/2015