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08:34 21/01/2015

Completion of Sale of Irish Assets Further to its announcement on 26 September 2013, the Company has completed the sale of Island Oil & Gas Limited (“Island Oil & Gas”) to Ardilaun Energy Limited (“Ardilaun”). Under the finalised terms of the transaction, Ardilaun has agreed to pay San Leon US$3 million in consideration for Island Oil & Gas. San Leon has already received US$1 million and the balance of US$2 million is now payable within 36 months. Ardilaun will issue San Leon shares equivalent to 15 per cent. of its enlarged issued share capital. San Leon will maintain a joint operating contractor status in the Island Oil & Gas licences. As previously announced, San Leon has retained its Net Profit Interest (NPI) in the Barryroe licence, located in the North Celtic Sea, offshore Ireland. A number of parties have expressed an interest in a financial transaction on the NPI, subject to the completion of a farm-out by the Operator of Barryroe, Providence Resources plc. San Leon is evaluating these expressions of interests. [link]

08:31 13/01/2015

i think so JREwing

14:03 07/01/2015

all the best for the new year Markie. I

13:56 07/01/2015

I'm still here markie225. I wish I had more news. I would gladly share. but I am confident we will get a good result from pvr eventually.

02:22 13/12/2014

Glad my find on sequa looks legit. not easy watching the sp fall everyday. goodluck all. talk about bad timing. fingers still crossed for good xmas news.

00:29 12/12/2014

link to sequa site [link]

00:20 12/12/2014

found this link and not sure what it means but it is for a company extracting oil and gas in barrroe. [link]
