Phonner's Posts

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18:04 20/10/2014

Gives Jay a great incentive to do a good job. Good news for everyone really

11:03 16/10/2014

Gas agreement before production.

11:03 16/10/2014

Gas sales agreement is in the progress of being vetted

11:01 16/10/2014

Jay is giving a great performance. Macly has a bit of a cough.

13:50 14/10/2014

Davy stockbrokers are happy with today's news: DAVY VIEWThe proposed sale of a 6.5% stake in the Kiliwani North gas field to Solo Oil and a possible further sale of an equal amount will resolve the group’s debt issue. This would be a very positive development, allowing the group the flexibility to grow without its current debt.

09:17 30/09/2014

The Markets are not suppose to know when the RNS is to be. Sure if we knew that we could all buy in the day before good news

17:31 29/09/2014

Kiliwani is the gas field that they are waiting for as regards a gas sales agreement

19:29 28/09/2014

I think one of the answers to a paywall is to have articles from writers that do not publish for anyone else. For example I brought the Phoenix magazine just to read what moneybags had to say about INM. It was the only article that I read and I paid nearly three euro to do so. Say if Paul Kimmage to use another example had a paywall of fifty cent to read his thoughts on the Tour de France, I would gladly pay it. To take it a step further if Shane Ross, David Mcwilliams, and Paul Kimmage had articles giving their opinion on a topic, I would pay to buy the online paper

08:30 28/09/2014

I image what they will do is add more content to the site and make it more interesting and then after a while, put up a paywall.

17:09 26/09/2014

Is it possible that Aldi and Lidl will take over tesco in the next number of years? Sounds like a mad idea, but if things continue as they are, why not.
