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14 Nov 2015
01:09 07/02/2016

Having sources of Intel across the globe can be very useful. I hear tell that Cyril is building a big new trophy house in Perth, I wonder whiose money he is using?

07:21 14/01/2016

Whatever happened to the sponsorship of Street Child UK?

For the sake of the unrelated shareholders I hope this company is ,at the cliff's edge, a 12 bagger to mix the metaphor For the principal I hope he gets his just desserts. Justice and honour are perhaps foreign concepts but we can live in hope. Tote up the revolving door of directors and executives and draw your own conclusions. Who remains but Cyril, some sycophant acolytes and a bunch of in-country folk and a lawyer from Perth. Perth is not a place short of cowboys but even Cyril could not make if there. Pre the loss of Hong Kong there used to be class of folk called "FILTH" as in "failed in London, try Hong Kong." Analogous?

08:14 22/12/2015

Why, oh why does ANYONE actually believe Cyril? The evidence of ALL previous blandishments adds up to just to fooey

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