Noseyparker's Posts

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18:01 07/05/2014

Low market cap no brainier buy more

17:07 16/04/2014

Help what has gone wrong here the company doubles it's capacity and all brokers give us a 18-20 p guide I can't ever guess this market it's driving me nuts

13:54 14/04/2014

Why the big sell off crazy!!!

11:35 14/04/2014


11:35 14/04/2014

Is it possible that the Kroc has been leaked that is why the sp is down and not moving Just a guess

15:19 11/04/2014

I am a bit fed up with this stock only movement is down and JV May as we'll be just vulgar

11:18 25/03/2014

I'm getting a bit sick of the wait JV just vulgar I think

12:44 20/03/2014

Keep the faith drill will turn soon market cap low end of year forecast 15-18p
