Loums's Posts

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16:09 19/06/2014

shake n bake - down to 15's

15:55 19/06/2014

auction time

14:09 18/06/2014

Squeeze time back to 17's

10:59 18/06/2014

Ridiculous unfounded comments from the rampers - just sit tight and let the RNS tell the story from here DYOR

10:56 18/06/2014

18.25 - 18.50 spread

16:18 17/06/2014

Wiped off a bit of the loss I'm carrying today #feelingbetter

12:25 17/06/2014


12:25 17/06/2014

my average still 178p - still feeling the paid

12:23 17/06/2014

Hi all - haven't posted in a while. Didn't have the cash available to lower my average so still under water at an ave of 24p. Will be glad for that to narrow in the coming days and for the Company to get on with the year and release positive concrete results that enable the rise in the share price to reflect the value of the Company

16:35 05/06/2014

late sells come through @ £26
