Duffer's Posts

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10:54 30/10/2015

Foo's once again been unreliable, he does not deserve the fantastic remuneration he takes off the company.

15:31 29/10/2015

Where did the $50,000,000 go?

12:59 28/10/2015

Administration costs are exorbitant, too many snouts in too big a trough.

11:01 28/10/2015

Why don't the directors buy shares?

11:00 28/10/2015

The directors salaries and royalties are a scandal!

07:50 28/10/2015

50.000,000 loss, and another snout in the trough.

15:02 26/10/2015

Foo will be desperately trying to cobble some bull sh.t together, to placate the gullible.

08:42 23/10/2015

Foo is an habitual liar, expect dilution.

08:30 19/10/2015

If we are not in group profit, why is Foo taking royalties?

09:26 14/10/2015

VOG's share price will stay in the doldrums until Foo goes.
