Desperate's Posts

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13:08 07/06/2017

No idea why SP has not moved significantly on this news - again I question TORs implication that there is no liquidity in this stock

13:07 07/06/2017

I like this deal - we are now sitting on a company valued at 100m which will have 50m in the bank, and close to a free drill on two huge potential targets

16:05 01/06/2017

SP movement is inexplicable in my opinion, and very concerning - another margin call paid!

13:09 26/05/2017

Sobeit - Annual report showed the top 14 or 15 investors only hold 56% of the company. I doubt there are another 20 odd holding just below the 3% threshold. As previously stated, this share appears to be significantly more liquid that TOR statement would imply.

17:26 25/05/2017

I think he only has to buy half them before August but not sure

14:26 25/05/2017

With a sale, the attractiveness of salary would be significantly diluted by options coming into play

19:37 24/05/2017

Boy - reading below you would be led to believe we are invested a monster - Boards sentiments are not shared by market

13:24 24/05/2017

Sounds like a bit of a non-event. Anyone give TOR the stick he deserves?

15:47 23/05/2017

SP performance is a joke - hopefully it will start ticking upwards once TOR gets his bull.... out of the way tomorrow

14:35 22/05/2017

So exciting that complemented by the fact oil is up, STG is down - PVR SP weakens
