chas11's Posts

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08:44 29/04/2016

BONKERS? : The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits-Albert Einstein

08:49 28/04/2016

CONFUSED.COM: Why is it that nearly every time Psmith talks down TEP and takes out shorts etc the share price rises?

19:52 20/04/2016

LATEST SCORE: Sfbrains 10 psmith 0

13:28 20/04/2016

NICE ONE: For your post at 11.43 sfbrains explains a lot if true

08:59 20/04/2016

MLM route to market: PSMITH casts doubt on this method using AVON as an example-really? AVON has annual sales of over $8billion 5.5 million sales reps in over 100 countries. In March 2016 Cerebus paid $435 million in cash for stock taking a 17% stake-They have also bought other smallMLM companies. What about AMWAY founded in 1959 on the MLM model? current worldwide revenue $10.8billion.20,000 employees world wide 3 million sales persons worldwide.Shows MLM route to market works. Who knows w could be bought out by these big boys or we could merge or buy othercompanies. I every faith in the leadership of CW with his majority shareholding to lead the company forward.

08:54 13/04/2016

Resmith ftse 7000 rise: Perhaps he thinks he can try and manipulate the market upwards with his postings in the same way he tries and to manipulate the TEP share price downwards?

09:41 07/04/2016

RECORD MEMBERSHIP GROWTH: Thanks sfbrains for the update. Good to see that IDs in the field are making great sales to the correct target market. Hard work and a positive mental attitude unlike MR SMITH! with all his excuses for not selling. Current share price could be reflection of low energy prices which according to the pundits could well change upwards.

18:23 18/03/2016

WHICH April 2016: Utility Warehouse confirmed as Which Recommended Provider along with Zen. Rated 2nd place with 80% Customer Satisfaction Score.

19:18 08/03/2016

Sorry should read BRIAN!

19:17 08/03/2016

Dec 31st-------SFB: interesting you say 618k-I have overshot? If Psmith gets it right what prize does he get-a free Brain Toy?
