Vela Technologies - Re: VELA Stream Log - News from 3Legs today ......

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07:32 30/09/2015

News from 3Legs today ... here are the sums as I see it .... raised £800k at the beginning of the year, let's say there is £600k left. Raised £500k recently from Jim Mellon ... so total cash£1.1m. Market cap last night was £1.3m So there is a nominal value attributable to the listing NOR to Jim Mellon who has put more has put money into the investment made today by 3Legs on the same terms. In total it looks like Jim Mellon has invested now over £600k in 3Legs and SalvaRx in addition to owning 50% of it prior to this transaction With all the noise around Jim Mellon, justified or not, you might think he might be worth a million or two on the value of 3Legs? .... and I guess it's conceivable that 3Legs ultimately buy SalvaRx in time? Who knows
