Amara Mining - Re: AMA Stream Log - I don't understand why people...

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09:56 05/11/2014

I don't understand why people are getting excited about either Ebola or the current gold price (Ebola in particular). Ebola is not going to have an effect, unless we're saying its going to wipe out the population of West Africa - which its not! And the price of gold today (Or in 3 months time for that matter) doesn't matter a jot, its only relevant when you have a producing mine. Prices are cyclical and I would rather mine construction started in a trough rather than a peak, for the simple reason it only has one way to go. If the feasibilty study factors in the price at the trough, the resulting NPV is worst case scenario whereas if it is based on high gold prices and the prices go down, the whole project is threatened.
