Petroneft Resources - PTR Stream Log

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23:41 04/08/2014

Kev4...... blowing your trumpet again.....????? Yawwwwwwwwwwn...!!!

17:13 18/07/2014

Must have made the decision based on the political situation

14:22 10/07/2014

Kev4..... I dont know of any brokers forceasting serious up side potential for PTR. that is unless you consider Davy's 11.5p core value serious....!!!! I for one certainly dont.......????

09:40 06/07/2014

Would expect an uplift in share price from 6.41 though

09:37 06/07/2014

No idea

15:50 30/06/2014

Farmout update RNS out

08:59 27/06/2014

Jack - Sept 2024 ???

09:14 26/06/2014

Jack - "rocket mode very soon" - based on what ???

16:19 10/06/2014

It's all gone a bit flat here of late, but its up in Dublin by over 4%.

16:18 10/06/2014

I think we need El1te to scribe another article !!!!
