Egdon Resources - EDR Stream Log

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10:13 27/06/2016

VSA Capital note out today on research tree "Europa Oil and Gas (EOG) has extended the PEDL 143 licence, where Egdon Resources (EDR)# holds a 18.4% interest, by two years until October 2018. The licence is located in the Weald Basin, Surrey and the extension will allow EOG as the operator to drill the conventional Holmwood prospect which has estimated gross mean unrisked prospective resources of 5.6mmboe."

10:39 25/05/2016

"Yesterday North Yorkshire County Council approved planning permission for Third Energy’s appraisal of Kirby Misperton-8 (KM-8) in the Cleveland Basin. We understand that work to hydraulically fracture and test KM-8 could be carried out as early as Q4 CY16. The read-across to Egdon is two-fold: first, planning success at KM-8 should help pave the way for planning approval at IGas-operated Springs Road where Egdon retains a 14.5% carried interest in a two-well exploration programme. Second, appraisal success could be a positiv..." Edison's note on Egdon was published this morning. It's free to access via Research Tree.

09:24 13/11/2015

Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead [link]

14:37 11/08/2014

I suppose I'm just looking for a little faith in this share as I'm on a big loss here at the min

14:35 11/08/2014

Does anyone think we will ever hit those 32p heights again in the not too distant future?

09:52 05/08/2014


15:44 11/07/2014

I think all the traders have beggared off on holiday

17:17 10/07/2014

Think you mean horizontal?

14:30 09/07/2014


08:51 19/06/2014

Taudelta - Re open offer - not had excess money back either - bank said should be within the next week.
