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12:52 07/06/2016

Northland also published a note this morning: "ValiRx continues to progress its two lead programmes. VAL201’s Phase 1/2 trial is moving into its expansion phase with the inclusion of additional clinical trial centres. To date, no drug related significant adverse events have been reported. VAL401 is close to commencing its clinical programme. The trial will take place in Georgia, with sites, investigators and facilities now confirmed."

11:18 07/06/2016

Beaufort Securities's note out this morning on Research Tree: "There is little doubt about the Company's enthusiasm for the continuing safety results for VAL 201, with no significant adverse events being reported. Early indications of efficacy have also been shown. Following the promising pre-clinical evidence of the compound's effect on endometriosis the Company is continuing the design of the protocol for this indication and to test VAL201 for its in-human potential in the treatment of this debilitating female condition. The protocol and associated partnerships - both commercial and technical - are expected to be in place before the final reporting of the current 'safety and tolerability-focused' clinical trial. Indeed, the opportunity for developing and exploiting the compound for a further indication in the treatment of endometriosis or hormone induced abnormal cell growth in women, via partnering and collaboration, is similarly fast approaching and the necessary preparatory steps and conversations are underway. Scientific progress has included the manufacture of clinical grade VAL401 capsule and this production is a crucial step in VAL401's progression towards the dosing phase of its clinical trial. A second US patent – in this case covering the use of the VAL401 formulation as a treatment for adenocarcinoma - has been allowed by the US patent office. With this patent providing IP protection in the largest oncology market in the world, ValiSeek consider this patent to be a substantial asset, both validating and underpinning ValiSeek's potential future valuation."

12:40 22/04/2015

Take a look at VOG 27 November last year, 1 for 40 consolidation, they were approx. 1.5p before consolidation and approx. 60p after, and look at them now details at [link]

12:32 22/04/2015

For heaven's sake some of you clowns shouldn't be trading shares, you should be at primary school doing sums.

10:53 14/03/2015

Thanks Yoda for your extremely well informed posts, they really are interesting and a big help for myself and many other investors i'm sure.

12:18 11/03/2015

Hi guys I'm fairly new here but would be interested in your thoughts. It strikes me with the current market cap incredibly low at 7m and with all of the IP and platforms ValiRx have underdevelopment and 201 in trails on track this appears to be a very safe investment as they could surely sell out for way more than this at any point! and the share price decay doesn't seem to relate to the drug development programme and more towards how they managed there finances and long term investors interests

14:19 11/12/2014

Bryannathan; love your optimism; shall invite you to my cap d' Antibes villa when the price reaches 12p; there will be parking for the Bentley alongside my BMW sports.

13:49 09/12/2014

Wonder if you mix 201 with 101 you get even better results! Tumours usually need 2 or 3 agents to stop resistance developing.

17:03 01/12/2014

Luckywarren; hard to imagine that there is anything particularly wrong with a company that has 3 good potential products on its books. There is just no interest in little companies trying to market an as yet unproven cure; just have to cross your fingers and wait for the first results. Life is a gamble sometimes !

14:00 14/11/2014

Bryan another 2.5m gone through as unknown
