Premier African Minerals Forum

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14:22 25/09/2015

Just arrived frum outer space can anybody tell me key points about African Minerals pls?

13:44 12/06/2015

zimbabwe ditcing the Zimbabwe dollaar meas little, as they did it a long time ago, with the accepted currencies being US$ and South African Rand. What they have announced is a amnesty on Zimbabwe $ giving hlders until September to change them for US$.

07:52 05/06/2015

A mineral processing plant is not like a washing machine. You don't just put ore in, turn it on and then get concentrate out. Every piece of equipment needs tning and fine tuning, you need to get the ROM grade right, the crush and grind siize correct, the ct off points right on jigs and tables - all the time you will be getting something out - but not neccesarily an optimum process until everything is spot on - that process can take months.

11:34 04/06/2015

No one can see your posts, sub 2p no way.

11:29 04/06/2015

the next few weeks will be a great opportunity to buy in sub 2p i can see this share hitting 10-15p by year end when zulu comes online + rha under/g

11:24 04/06/2015

i think we will get no rns this month on production

17:10 29/05/2015


14:11 26/05/2015

Comparing RHA's plant with Hemerdon's is like comparing chalk and cheese. Hemerdon is mining a massive tonnage of very low grade ore in a bespoke plant, RHA is mining a relatively low tonnage of high grade ore, meaning the tuning of the plant is very different to Hemerdon's which has 3 streams. Finally the RHA plant s a modular plant that has already been dry commissioned in the factory, so its a case of putting it together like Meccano, running it up and tning it - its a very simple gravity seperation making that a straightforward task. Personally, I am a qualified mining engineer who grew up in the area where gravity seperation techniques were mastered with shareholdings in both Prem and WLFE, so I like to think I am being objective in my opinion.

11:26 22/04/2015

O/T: OXS info: Jeeroy news 27 Apr. Check Oxus Gold today

17:41 09/04/2015

