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08:31 22/07/2014

have a read up on them if you have some time

08:31 22/07/2014

and gas

08:30 22/07/2014


08:30 22/07/2014

good amount of oil news coming right?

08:29 22/07/2014

i want to add to FRR this morning, disgraceful sp!

08:29 22/07/2014

yeah, just wait for next news spike and sell if you want to free up funds

08:27 22/07/2014

although profit is not compaining

08:27 22/07/2014

yeah annoying

08:27 22/07/2014

static and above kumo with lots of bullish indicators = hold!

08:26 22/07/2014

any time, sp is pretty static
