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nipper22 30 Mar 2017

Re: Has ENRT sunk without trace? Spot on,Musker Ron.A very good concept totally mismanaged.I thought that LC would be able to turn the company around but the writing was on the wall when he left.My misplaced confidence here cost me a lot of money but I hope to exceed that loss when another investment fulfills it's potential.

musker ron 31 Aug 2016

Re: Has ENRT sunk without trace? I got in in 2010.and finally lost patience 18 months ago when I got out. Yes v good idea but it shows no matter how good the idea, if the people behind are no good then it's a waste of time. I was small fry compared to some but have no difficulty in selling when its obvious that the stock is a dud.

LuckySometimes 31 Aug 2016

Re: Has ENRT sunk without trace? Thanks Ron - how sad, I've followed this one for years and it seemed a genuine opportunity.

musker ron 26 Aug 2016

Re: Has ENRT sunk without trace? It went into administration on 2 Aug

LuckySometimes 26 Aug 2016

Has ENRT sunk without trace? Does anyone know the situation at ENRT? Has it sunk without trace? Is this another one to add to the list of Woolworths, Bradford & Bingley, Medical Marketing Group....etc. Will we get anything back or is it a dead loss?

5ve 29 Jun 2016

Capital injection No audited books and it looks like the begging bowl is going to come out!

nipper22 20 May 2016

The three previous posts Illustrate the feeling of most shareholders. Unavoidably, one is loath to invest more due to the dire performance to date but, afraid to sell in case there is a miraculous recovery. BTW, Michael Walters influenced me to invest in the first place. The man has a lot to answer for as he painted a glowing future for ENRT but more than that, the majority of the blame must lie with the B.O.D past and present. Inept doesn't begin to cover it . Further more, they have ignored the shareholders from day one.At an AGM shortly after the demise of 2K, I suggested that the company take over what was a going concern with a ready made ,trained workforce and,as I reported afterwards, the Chairman disdainfully said,"We don’t want to get into manufacturing ".When ,just before 2K went under due to management inefficiency, they could not make enough flat sheet to fulfil their order book.To me,that was arrant nonsense.

5ve 20 May 2016

Re: Last Two Days So many false dawns - Just one extended sunset!Should have gone long ago but where else can you buy 1,000,000 for £500

ReynardThree 20 May 2016

Re: Last Two Days Or is it to do with the discussions 'with interested parties' referred to in the last RNS? Is someone effectively trying to buy the patent on the cheap? Combined with day traders having a field day. Tempted to do a small top up, but I have bought into so many false dawns on this one in the past that I don't dare any more.

Bidmoll 20 May 2016

Last Two Days The cynic in me says that everyone sells because MW says so and then everyone realises he has never been right and buys back in.

nipper22 07 Apr 2016

Yet again. Damn and blast,it's the same old song,yesterday brought hope,today brought reality.I despair.

nipper22 06 Apr 2016

Nice rise. On the back of no news.Is it too much to hope that it will be sustained? We have witnessed false dawns before but,on behalf of the long term and long suffering shareholders here,I fervently hope to see a continuation of the current rise in the share price. With rose tinted spectacles firmly in place!

nipper22 23 Mar 2016

Re: Worth 10 x the current value at leas... I would like to heartily endorse every word that you wrote : We have met at agm's and know each other to be reasonable men who can express an opinion without resorting to invective or spewing out bile.I have never,In nearly three quarters of a century, come across such a loathsome individual as TT .What a colossal ego.However, more importantly, is there any chance of a recovery? As usual, there is no information forthcoming from the company which has been a perennial problem. I too have lost a very substantial amount of money here but, as you say,no one forced us to buy in so,if it folds,we have to take it on the chin and soldier on.I lost my wife 10 years ago and, compared to losing money,this hardly hurts,whereas the other hurt never goes away.Y ou just have to learn to live with it. Best wishes and better luck in the future.

Nick Rev 18 Mar 2016

Re: Worth 10 x the current value at leas... Thomas,If you want an apology from me I'm quite happy to give one.I expressed my views, I never said anything I didn't believe or try and manipulate anyone.Each and every post was in good faith. I believed what I was saying was correct.But I have been proven to be wrong.I lost a lot of money, my wife has lost money and two of my children have lost money.And now I owe an apology.What for I'm not quite sure. For losing my money or posting what I believed to be useful information? Or is it for the fact that you lost your money as well, which I and others are now responsible for? If it's for the latter you need to "Man Up". I don't like losing my money either, but I pressed the "Buy" button and no one else. I also failed to press the "Sell" button and thats my own fault as well.Apart from losing my money, you have been the most dreadful thing about being a holder here. You are possibly the most tiresome individual that I have ever had the displeasure of listening to rant away on a board. You have driven away many people from posting and made the whole experience worse than it could have been. Maybe a dialogue could have been maintained, but for every post someone makes there are five from you.Please go forth!

Thomas Tallis 15 Mar 2016

Re: Worth 10 x the current value at leas... Unfortunately I am not explicit. I assume that people will have read my previous posts and therefore they can see my point - but that probably is not so because my message is too cryptic.I hope to explain why my posts were not meant to be as mean spirited as it seems.First of all - one born every minute - I include myself in that because I have lost a good bit of money on this.Over the years, my main point on here has been about balance. The board had many over optimistic contributions. I used phrases such as rose-tinted specs, I forget what others there were.I am not a bigot, I read their comments and I allowed myself to be swayed by their views and I bought more.It is a pity that certain other people did not have the same open-minded attitude.
