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character 6 09 Dec 2014

Eckey thump again!!! That wae a thunderous drop in the SP today. Let us hope it is short lived.

character 6 07 Dec 2014

Ecky thump. Rob and AR. Your last posts have me in nonplussed land. Anyway. The Ides of December are almost upon us.Carpe Diem, Is the 15th. Let us hope we do.

robjm66 04 Dec 2014

Re: Re: Andy AXM did have an offer to take over the company a couple of years back but AXM preferred to stay independent. To take out the company you would have to persuade the major shareholders who know the story and in some a cases have been manoeuvring themselves to get a bigger share of the company with a view to probably/possibly to taking over the company at some point. There is a disconnect from what the general market understands on one side and what the company, Iskandia, Ebullio the entity other holders hiding behind nominee accounts understands. Very possible that the entity having got some members on the board after a deal, launch a takeover at some point (I hope unsuccessfully or far in the future). Recognise the delays that is why the share price is at its present level but also recognise entities are putting money in up front and non refundable. The implications of the entity delaying signing up? That could mean that entity wants to take over the company in the shorter term so AXM are demonstrating more of the tech to get a better deal or the entity wants to licence more geographical areas to use the tech or is looking at the uses of AXM newer tech as well the Hyperleach as well as the Ammleach , or want to try out the tech at some new mining prospects or AXM pushing for a better deal or deals. [link] we get past the 15th and the entity is still involved some kind of deal or deals are almost certainly to happen the mid tier mining multi commodity entity otherwise why would they be wasting their time especially if we look at what we do know. [link] the entity....Grabbed the opportunity from under Ebullio noses after the RCR last minute breakdown suggest to me that they had been lurking waiting for an opportunity. The Ebullio twitter leak is suggestive why were the trying to buy some projects out right beat of some competition?Willing to pay some money up front and extra money past the first period if they needed to.Wants some bod’s on the board keep an eye on things head of any new rival. At first has only an agreement over the Zinc in one area.Also as part of the agreement AXM has to use a chunk of the cash towards the pilot plant and testing of ammleach technology. Would have had a fair look at the Tech by now certainly by the 15th to know whether it works by then it is a case of where and how to use it and how to fully exploit the technology, that might or might not take a bit longer to work out.If you are going to beat the market you have to at some point run contra to it. If you do consider it a gamble what are the odds. If i have got it wrong i have got it wrong but certainly i am not just ramping this, i have chewed over all the info i can get my hands on.I think there is about an eighty percent chance of the entity being involved past the 15th or some other deal or entity involvement. What’s the potential long term return here 10 20 30 bagger maybe even more as zinc is exploited with Ammleach then other metals, then the company uses some of that money to develop hyperleach.Even if you are a hardened sceptic and put the chances of a deal and the returns a lot lower AXM still looks attractive as an investment certainly worth watching till a D day! Yes i will be sweating a bit till then though i am confident lol.

Andy Reilly 04 Dec 2014

Re: Re: r66 - I understand what you say, BUT you have to ask why no one has come in and bought AXM out IF its technology is so valuable? Currently its market cap is £3.54M, and thats a snip IF it is so brilliant. AXM seems to have been running test plants for several years, and yet no one seems to have signed up, and you have to ask why. Could it be that its technology isnt so compelling? I have no idea, but it seems very strange to me that after all this time there is still no deal.The market has understandably grown very weary of AXM after all these years, and it will be very interesting to see if the 15th does delver good news. Again you have to ask, IF AXM's technology is so brilliant, why hasnt the 'entity' already signed up, and what would be the implications IF it should delay signing up?I truly wish you luck, but you seem insistent AXM is inherently valuable, and dont seem to want to acknowledge the endless delays or why the market is so sceptical of its prospects. Anyway, not long to go til the 15th.

robjm66 03 Dec 2014

Re: Andy AXM only has to be lucky once then everything else will flow from that. The company was a whisker from breaking through over the RCR deal when torpedoed at the last moment by a third party (real bad luck) and is even closer this time.Share price does not reflect how close AXM is to a breakthrough but unless someone really does their homework and follows events closely with some reading between the lines it can be hard to grasp the scale of the potential of the tech and so the scale of the potential of the returns and how close AXM are to a turnaround in its fortunes.

Andy Reilly 03 Dec 2014

Re: "D" day. c6 - what a hellish time shareholders have had with AXM - it really does seem to be cursed with bad luck, and you do have my sympathy. It really is nothing more than a gamble that the latest deal will be confirmed - you certainly deserve a bit of relief, so lets hope the 15th is the turning point and the SP can start a recovery. Hope you are doing better with other stocks to mitigate the relentless slog that is AXM -

character 6 24 Nov 2014

"D" day. 15th, I answer my own question. Beware the Ides of December, somebody once said. Let us pray that he doesn't get this one right too, lol.Just frittering away my time, AXM are "doin me napper in" but remain the only present hope, in a bedraggled portfolio. Ciao.

character 6 24 Nov 2014

I know. When is "D" day in December? I"ll mark my advent calendar.
