Winston74's Posts

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15:01 11/11/2014

luk like it all kickin off on LSE, go on da boys show dat BoD dat we will stand against da man

12:25 11/11/2014

buybao - you got it man

11:58 11/11/2014

dere a rat in da kitchen hahahaha

16:41 10/11/2014

it be like a dat Wolf of The Wall Street man, ya know da bit where dey take da share down to zero, dat is what is appening wid dis, no point in gettin' angry.

15:46 07/11/2014

Dis share it dus no wanna move dis week, not after dat Cartel an Darwins line dat BHR up for da moor dilution man, dis will run out of da cash sooon den in come da Darwin to rob the PI man once more, is tellin you dis is da corrupt.

16:39 04/11/2014

hehe dat seatrout de man is very funni

15:39 04/11/2014

All dey are doin' is lowerin' da price for Darwin, funni how dey Darwin sell out den da price drops to let dem bac in cheaper, dem darwin dey not daft, dis dey who run dis and dey who pay RK's bills

15:05 04/11/2014

duxi man, I bet dat dis dawg will finish de day at 0.08, BHR new trading range, 100% for da 0.16. De BoD dems an embarrasment

14:28 04/11/2014

dis company, wat a load of shit, dem may aswell pack it in

11:47 04/11/2014

lookin like da death rattle time for poor ol BHR, da funding was de big ask for dem BoD along wi dat workin capital to keep da boys in Red Stripe until production, will tek a miracle to pull dis one from da fire, get dem while dey are cheap or may be dat dey could be very costly.
