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30 Apr 2015
09:45 07/05/2015

BW share dilution is using our cash (SP value) to pay the debt - just like asking us for a cash injection to our company. No problem with that as long as its used to increase shareholder value

09:35 07/05/2015

Could this be FRR strategy to reduce the level of PI's - low share price only impacts PI's, lack of comms only impacts PI's, lack of data impacts the SP/PI's with little or no impact on SN and his day to day operation. Our only redress is to get the auditors to force FRR to stand by the shareholder charter if not we put forward in a resolution of no confidence in the BoD. If that fails then I will be engaging a US lawyer to demand the information I'm entitled to as a shareholder (I have 8.5M at the moment and this I intend to grow as the data already shared makes this a fantastic opportunity).

09:13 07/05/2015

SN has no regard for PI's he now needs II to back him and he will pay attention to their needs - so expect so positive news next week (or may be Friday) he needs our vote and at the moment the computer says NO.

09:10 07/05/2015

I'm sticking and ready to load up again

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