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06 Oct 2015
14:39 21/10/2015

"Beets or "Beats; Beats me

14:38 21/10/2015

This beets me. The market can be irrational for a long time; but it is never irrational for ever; and when the switch occurs its likely to overshoot by just as much as it is undershooting.

12:25 21/10/2015

This can only be good. On a fundamental analysis, VS alone is worth £4m, and the other pieces ... Mkt cap remains at £2.5m!

06:03 09/10/2015

I agree with a number of the analyses below: VS alone being £4m, and has far higher potential - the founders must believe it’s worth much more as “should VS issue shares at a valuation lower than an agreed premium to the £58m valuation…the selling founders shall have to compensate Mr Jenkins by transferring to him further shares” – perhaps in the £100-200m range; Bosques has massive untapped potential and Leg got in very early – its stake being £100k – on the balance sheet; Amedeo could come good in the medium term, as could the smaller investments. And with the mkt cap at £2.6m, one could buy Leg and get VS at a discount to what Jenkins paid (!) with everything else for free! So why is the mkt cap at £2.6m i.e sp at .1 ish. I’m at a loss to explain this. Any ideas?

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