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19 Apr 2015
14:48 28/04/2015

A breath of fresh air, people with some common sense. I still don't get how some see this a great long term investment if they only see a max of 5 or 6p after several years. With the number of shares now issued, will it even reach that sp.

02:02 25/04/2015

Sorry, typo, Solo investor

01:56 25/04/2015

This share is pants. I've been following this board for some time now and I've enjoyed the comments. The enthusiastic happy puppies, and even the arrogant ones that scoff at other peoples opinions as if they know better. There's those that insist they are in for the long term and accuse others of being traders, and every so often someone mentions Cove. Who in their right mind is going to pay over a billion for this company, so that doesn't leave us with much of a share price. We have very little in reality, Solo investors lost confidence in HH after some pillock called Broker man Dan claimed to know the drill results before the drilling was finished, PAN is still a mystery and possibly a black hole, and the only bright spark of Tanzania, which is only in reality a fairly moderate discovery, is still waiting for a GSA which has been continually promised for 2 or more years now. Corruption has already been mentioned in Tanz, so it would not be libelous to suggest the possibility of certain influences that could force Aminex to go bust before they can make any money from their discovery. Do you know or understand the half of what happens behind the scenes. And do you really thing you own the company? The BOD owns the company, and we the investors are the money tree to fill their fat pockets and finance their investments. If someone like NR can say he is not interested or concerned about the share price, he is being honest and saying that he has no loyalty to the investors. Logically, this share is going nowhere, and even when things do look promising, Solo release more shares to fill their pockets and further weaken our investment. And as for those that claim to be long term investors, what are you waiting for? In the last couple of weeks, UKOG investors have already had the possibility of more than a 10 fold return on their money if day trading, which is far more than any long term Solo invertor can hope for on the evidence so far. So who in their right mind is going to hold for a long term investment that gives very little return. Those that keep encouraging a hold of shares are quite clearly company men or trading themselves, as the only likely long term investors to make any profit from Solo are those that have a significant quantity of shares to trade a large amount at the same time. I would love to get out of this as soon as I can, only hoping for a little rise to minimise my loses. Please tell me I'm wrong, but not without some real evidence as a supporting arguement.

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