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23:41 26/08/2015

Richyp123. What was the date when Clive visited BNG last time?

19:11 20/08/2015

I hope Tuesday 1st September (once a month) for rns .Mayby the pipes have arrived and the sidetrack has begun and hopefuly there is oil to be got at 801.fingers crossed.

09:21 16/07/2015

It would seem to be a wonderful idea if they went deeper to prove up the entire vuggy oil column.

13:29 15/07/2015

This latest R.N.S. is disappointing however I liked what Georgesaa had to say about the A5 sidetrack going to the bottom of the oil column. They did say they would revisit to establish the length of the column . Maybey its a lot more than 105 metres and the sidetrack will manage to prove it.

14:00 10/07/2015

I wonder how many tanks they will need for 801.

13:49 10/07/2015

It would have to be a large tank to hold 100,000 barrels, maybe several smaller ones and a fleet of tankers.

10:44 08/07/2015

801. is a deep well and if they are involved with lots of core samples it won't be so quick as drilling.

16:58 01/07/2015

Any predictions for the one pound party, given its taken two years so far.

16:55 01/07/2015

What! Two years old and still waiting for the vuggy oil flow test.

12:00 30/06/2015

Looks like we have two green lights,so far so good.
