007's Posts

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13:00 06/01/2015

Gaz - I have gone into XEL too - they have been battered senseless!

12:58 06/01/2015

Gaz - if I make money i keep that amount in stock - my initial investment i pull out and reinvest somewhere else

12:57 06/01/2015

Gaz - I deal short term buddy - sometimes for a few weeks, some a few minutes. I dip in and out

12:52 06/01/2015

This is a sinking Ship - buy SOLO

12:51 06/01/2015

Gazza - the buy off is kicking off in FITB too, SOLO will close blue, I up on my moring investment of £4900 already

11:06 06/01/2015

Gazza - its not the Saudi's, its the US, they are basically punishing Russia by dropping the proce of crude,

10:31 06/01/2015

We will rise from here - the whole market is about to jump - hold onto your hats

10:21 06/01/2015

Put my Money where my mouth is and got £4900 of SOLO- Now come on!!!

16:21 24/10/2014

I traget £1k profit a month with these and would blown that if I had listened to you and sold 1st thing this morn as i was £1500 up, but waited a bit to long and only £900 up 10 mins later

16:19 24/10/2014

£500 turned it blue lol
