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14:16 08/02/2016

Hi Skooby & Immy, hope you are both well albeit the sp is a concern. What's you take on the 2015 Ops update ? all the best Chris

10:45 11/01/2016

Happy new year Skooby, Immyspecial & LTH, nothing to do, just sit it out

17:13 05/01/2016

MrChow, I do believe Rukel has an agenda ! never let it be said that he might like to add some more at a cheaper price

12:37 19/11/2015

IOMRON, It's about time that GDL got their act together, I'm expecting a far better news flow, as GDL have had the time and resources to get the 30 well programme on tract. GLA

13:40 13/11/2015

hello Skooby, good to hear from you. You are spot on, and may GDL be the provider and lets have some good news flow too. GLA Chris

14:14 12/08/2015

James, I seem to recall at the forthcoming in September, and Rollo for sure will not have any news !

12:06 06/08/2015

Hi Skooby, hope all well with you...I'm trying to free up funds, as at this price I'd be well able to average down on my holding. Best regards Chris

09:18 31/07/2015

buy @ 6.55 ?

08:57 25/07/2015

Herbie, I shared your opinion before the AGM, which I attended and now disagree with this suggestion. RG came across as a strictly non BS person. I'm sure that planning would be granted in the UK if drilled by GDL as it does not use chemicals and produced water as a by product. I suggest that we could well see GDL drilling in the UK and then watch the publicity machine take off

16:21 24/07/2015

One important point: all rigs are 100% fit for purpose and all spuds are to date 100% successful. The IP is proven and clean.
