BLNX Stream Log

09:34 17/06/2016


11:59 24/05/2016

Strange the AGM is so early, it was end of August last year!

10:09 19/05/2016

Interesting that no one has mentioned the fact that their cash balance ended at $78.6 million and not as was estimated in their trading update of $76 million a month a go!

02:06 10/04/2015

down from 30p to 25p in two days this is aim afterall, hope it does not go to 20p soon as that is the price i bought the shares at

12:45 21/01/2015

qpp now down 80pc from high. Sounds crazy and illogical but some formula puts blinkx at 55p.Its all very possible.

09:29 01/10/2014

damn this is taking a hammering in the press...not going to bother averaging down again ...going to sit tight and ride the very bumpy storm...

15:50 10/09/2014

at long last some decentish news....

09:18 28/08/2014

£124,000 buy. What do they know that we don't??

10:38 08/07/2014

re blackrock: interesting post by sobeit....made worse by the fact that everything they did was above board....regulation is a joke...if it's true why all the noise from blakcrock talking about restriictions on shorting....or just further pandering and condescending....

14:05 07/07/2014

34 holding well - no real sign of it dropping past this point - hopefully we will see the surge reignite this afternoon and then for the rest of the week leading up to the agm..
