Victoria Oil & Gas - Re: VOG Stream Log - VOG needs to slow down...

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22:45 02/03/2016

VOG needs to slow down and consolidate its cash position. Some projects burn up cash at an alarming rate, and these need to be put on hold. The cash cow is not there to be milked either, especially in the form of gratuities, remuneration or greedy fingers. Build the cash up first, and then forward looking projects can be considered. Stop the cash burn, and VOG would rocket ahead on full throttle. Notwithstanding, all things being equal, I don't think there will be much more downside action on SP, and i would expect the SP in the near term to plateau at about 50 p in the wake of the recent interims. If however a Mr Gekko appears on the scene, then a 100 p SP is not out of the question.
