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17:57 20/11/2014

went ex d badly ...

16:30 06/08/2014

If dividend is as expected: 250 by next august is my prediction

16:13 06/08/2014

'sell' signal was hit when ma20 began to cross under ma50.

16:32 13/05/2014

Correction: "recovery" not "recover"

16:30 13/05/2014

Renewables will be our only clean choice

16:29 13/05/2014

Tories are steering us toward a "taxberg" because they can't get the country to make enough money. Oil prices will rise in the autumn due to Putin & this will send energy prices up. The UK will be adding more to the "debt mountain".

16:22 13/05/2014

Tories have shown that they are desperate for taxes. The recover is false

16:20 13/05/2014

Tory polls have increased.This is temporary because they have shown their true colors with plans to raid bank accounts.

16:02 13/05/2014

Tories will lose the EU elections & GE in 2015. Scotland may vote yes but Alex supports wind & wants to export the energy.

22:27 14/02/2014

bought ipo at 2.60 hoping for 3 only got 2200 shares though
