Alba Mineral Resources - ALBA Stream Log

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09:16 11/07/2014

so who is cheapest at present then

09:15 11/07/2014

sounds good to me

09:14 11/07/2014

yeah good news for all, everyone wants in

09:13 11/07/2014

seems that .4 .5 should be closer to right sp

09:13 11/07/2014

great to see the confident wording of the RNS's this morning. - HH looking really good for all concerned!

09:13 11/07/2014

got a lot less shares than dor

09:11 11/07/2014

so they have 5% of 65% direct, and about about .5% further through Alba

09:11 11/07/2014

i see what you mean re RGM

09:10 11/07/2014

cheers yes just about!

09:10 11/07/2014

see you have been making good calls on your buy recommendations recently... hopefully you are back in the blue!
