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14:25 15/08/2015

Whilst I welcome cautious advice from fellow investors, it makes me sick to the stomach to hear the idiots whose only purpose being on this BB is to scare people into selling and losing money... In life, what goes around comes around guys!

14:16 15/08/2015

CC has been in post since March, and the COMESA deal occurs a couple of months later, this timeframe is nigh on impossible to pull off a deal like this in Africa, in my view... As I posted earlier CC is what we're investing in

14:12 15/08/2015

I suspect this deal is part of a longer term African trading plan, CC, with his background, reputation and connections, is the investment here,

21:56 14/08/2015

I have made a big investment on AFPO (by my standards anyway) I really believe CC is trying to make a difference not just for shareholders and profit, but for Africa, which he is obviously passionate about... I've bought into his message like others

21:52 14/08/2015

... Reckon 2p def some point mid to end of next week though

21:48 14/08/2015

I reckon we will hit 1.28 to 1.40 range... Which would be a performance similar to today. I think a previous poster wrote that slow and steady consistent rises of 15% to 20% a day would minimise the risk of dramatic retraces

21:34 14/08/2015

Understanding MM - Useful guide. Apologies if this has been posted before... I noted earlier that some BB members had questions surrounding this area [link]

12:31 14/08/2015

Just bought £5k additional shares - annoyingly coming up as sell

09:21 14/08/2015

live: [link]

10:45 13/08/2015

SH, couldn't agree more - The relating will rise, retrace, consolidate, rise again and so on and so forth, LTH should not be too concerned or spooked by regular retraces in my opinion, if you believe this company has prospects, as I do, you should stick to your original investment plan - I keep thinking a major player will have to try a take over