RGM Stream Log

11:39 29/05/2014

This stock at the moment is very unloved by the market. It has about the same mcap as GGP ffs! When you look into what strings RGM has to it's bow you will be shocked!

11:33 29/05/2014

Only 150k available to buy @ 0.24p. VERY frustrating!

13:05 14/03/2014

moving SULA Doc Holiday 14P BID Doc Holiday @DDS_Doc_Holiday Doc Holiday

20:20 13/03/2014

tomorrow aagh

20:20 13/03/2014

Jam tomorro

20:20 13/03/2014

No AB is a master of spinning plates, jasmine tomorrow promises and helping himself to shareholders funds

22:11 08/03/2014

and knife..

22:11 08/03/2014

Welcome to Bell Lifestyle inc..if you are looking for upside...please see the big picture department where they are serving jam tomorrow..please bring your own toast anf

12:57 01/03/2014

Yorkville finance no one except themselves. They short stocks...you think they underpin value it's quite the reverse they undermine it. RRR and RGM have spent £14.5m on admin expenses in 4 years...and how much has AB sucked out in terms of fees and emoluments from RRR, RGM and related party companies. Why not ask him these questions at theGM...not forgetting who are IPCM?

12:57 01/03/2014

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