Tlou Energy Live Discussion

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buzzard stubble 22 Feb 2018

results [link]

buzzard stubble 21 Feb 2018

interview with TG today [link]

kynance cove 20 Feb 2018

Reserves upgrade To view the RNS go direct to the Tlou website - iii are a bit slow posting it up !

alltold9 20 Feb 2018

Re: reserves upgrade Stunning!

buzzard stubble 20 Feb 2018

reserves upgrade Highlights:Ø 2P (Proved and Probable) Gas Reserves increased 944% to 40.8 billion cubic feet ('BCF') (previously 3.9 BCF), and;Ø 3P (Proved, Probable and Possible) Gas Reserves increased by 63% to 426.6 BCF (previously 261.1 BCF). Tlou Managing Director Tony Gilby said, "This very significant upgrade in gas Reserves reinforces the commerciality of the Lesedi and Mamba Projects. The recent seismic survey and core-hole drilling campaign, along with the Selemo pilot wells producing sustained gas flows for a substantial period of time, confirms that there is huge gas production potential for Tlou's area. Ongoing work to assess this potential continues in tandem with planning for connection to the regional power grid.hugech

Noblenoggs 19 Feb 2018

Re: RFP Process Fiasco. Cannot agree with you there soil unless TLOU have operations of some description up and running where ISO9001 and ISO18001 accreditation has already been awarded. If however the Botswana government want separate accreditation for the Botswana operations then THOU should have been aware of this and disputed this before tendering.

Soolaimon 18 Feb 2018

Re: RFP Process Fiasco. Busby,I am fairly certain that this fiasco is down to the Bots goverment and they did not do their homework in that main fact that neither of the companies tendering were in production, in fact one is way off production.I do think this will now expedite the process and in the end will favour Tlou as they are all ready to go. As we all know those of us that invest in Africa, it is never dull?.Sool

Bubsy the cat 18 Feb 2018

Re: RFP Process Fiasco. From ChesterMikeB on LSE forum- Email from Colm.“Hi all. I wanted to share an email conversation I've had with Colm Cloonan. After listening to the latest vox podcast I really wanted to hear an example of one of the compliance issues that prevented the RFP from continuing, because none were actually given in the interview. So I decided to email Colm directly to ask. I wasn't expecting a reply but to his credit he did respond to me with the following: "Dear xxxx. Thanks for your continued support. As an example, the tender asked the bidder to provide a Health & Safety Management plan for the project (which was submitted) and proof of Compliance with ISO 18001. However, a certificate confirming proof of compliance is only available once the project is in operation and the H&S Management plan can be assessed as operating at the required standard. Therefore, if this requirement is not removed from the tender document it will not be possible for Tlou to comply with all requirements under the RFP." I went on to ask if he minded if I shared the above info with this board and he replied with: "Feel free to share this information with others. It is also worth noting that these issues were brought to the attention of the ministry months in advance of our submission so we are surprised that they have ended up as compliance issues. In any case we are very confident of getting one (and probably more than one) off-taker secured via the Government RFP and our other ongoing negotiations." I personally found the above information about the ISO compliance quite useful. It certainly fits with the idea that the tender document was not suitable given the two parties weren't in operation and that it needed to be amended. I also suppose that if the government had gone ahead and awarded the tender to Tlou for example, then this "compliance" issue could have been used as a possible point of appeal by the other party. So in some respects they probably had to cancel this version of the tender in order to rectify it. Either way I thought it might be useful to others and so figured I would share it. P.S. before I get accused of some kind of fake news nonsense, check my history and you'll see that I've been holding Tlou since 2016 and am not generally in the business of posting much, either ramp or deramp...but of course, DYOR... Cheers.”

senn1965 17 Feb 2018

OT Petro Matad Sorry for the off topic but some on here may want to do some research on the above, 4 well drilling campaign starting May/ June, should multibag from current levels, chart is just turning up on the TA once past 9 should see a test of 15p then with more news into the 20p areaDYORSenn

wathonian 17 Feb 2018

Re: RFP Process Fiasco. If you know both bids were doomed from the start why didn't you bring it to the attention of the BoD?And why did you buy in at 6p?honest and considered opinion eh!W.

zanthrus 16 Feb 2018

RFP Process Fiasco. Having read the rns's and listened to the CFO, it seems clear that from the outset, the Bots Gov knew that the tender process was unsuitable for both bidders. It is also clear that TLOU knew also, that the process was not fit for purpose, but had no choice but to proceed along regardless.Both bids were doomed from the start and all the parties knew this from the outset.So, in my honest and considered opinion, the Bots Gov simply wanted to kick the can down the road for whatever reasons they have with regards to CBM exploitation.This creates massive uncertainty and the markets don't like uncertainty. Until and unless TG can expedite a change of heart from the Bots authorities, then the sp will simply rise and fall on the whim of negative sentiment.That means more fall than rise in the coming months, but that is just my opinion and yours is just as valid as mine.Good luck to all.

Clitheroekid 16 Feb 2018

Re: top up You were saying ...?Whilst I don't pretend to understand the details of this situation, and there may well be a perfectly legitimate explanation for what's happened, anyone investing in a company that does most of its trade in Africa is entering a casino - and one where the tables are rigged and the cards are marked. The whole of sub-Saharan Africa is corrupt - it's just that some countries are worse than others.It's informative to have a look at the Global Corruption Index - [link] Botswana is actually the best ranked sub-Saharan African country, but it's still only 35 in the rankings, and has a corruption score of 60 (down from 65 in 2012) compared to a score of 90 for top-rated Denmark and New Zealand.

wathonian 16 Feb 2018

Re: The Worst News Possible. If you look at Zans previous posts you will see he bought at 6p and sold at 8p - after making a large loss on Excite. If not shorting he must be trying to talk down the SP to get back in (still trying to recover the Excite loss). I guess Lewis is shorting?It always makes me smile when posters come on expecting they can manipulate the SP by posting negative (or positive) "facts". I don't know any investors who would put their wad in to a share on the "advice" from a BB poster. all means read the story but then DYOR. Cheers W.

Noblenoggs 16 Feb 2018

Re: The Worst News Possible. zan ,where is your evidence that the product is sub stadard. this is not about the product it is about the project. as i understand it the product is high grade.also i understand the government is trying to get away from high cost dirty diesel.visit the TLOU web site and study the project!

lewistr 16 Feb 2018

Re-Contracts. What can one say Thieves.
