Saga Live Discussion

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WhoSparticus 01 Feb 2018

Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! Of course you say that, after all you never believed in Vulganus.

FRTEB 01 Feb 2018

Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! " Do you really believe that MMs are to blame? Its a bit like blaming the girl on the till at a BP station when the chancellor slaps an extra 2p on the price of a litre of diesel. " Yeah but she looked shifty.

WhoSparticus 01 Feb 2018

Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! Do you really believe that MMs are to blame? Its a bit like blaming the girl on the till at a BP station when the chancellor slaps an extra 2p on the price of a litre of diesel.

millwallfan 31 Jan 2018

Re: 216p Aug 2017; now 115p! Yes MMs please do return to say £1.85 by summer as I took my first position here today of 10k shares - so will take 2 dividends then sell lol

Thedarkkn1ght 31 Jan 2018

216p Aug 2017; now 115p! What a disgraceful fall and huge over-reaction.Market makers - please justify such an abhorrent drop.

Thedarkkn1ght 31 Jan 2018

P/E 8; Dividend 8% .

II Editor 31 Jan 2018

NEW ARTICLE: Can this Woodford Income share bounce back? "It used to be the case, when you turned 50, LSE:SAGA:Saga bombarded you with mail. Nowadays - in Scotland anyway - when you turn 50 you are sent a bowel cancer test kit. Eventually, Mrs T&T became the victim of a practical joke £100 fine c/o the ..."[link]

II Editor 30 Jan 2018

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 31/01/2018 " SAGA (LSE:SAGA) It used to be the case, when you turned 50, SAGA bombarded you with mail. Nowadays - in Scotland anyway - when you turn 50 you are sent a Bowel Cancer test kit. Eventually, Mrs T&T became the victim of a practical joke £100 ..."[link]

gamesinvestor 30 Jan 2018

Re: re Surly this must be a buy???Surely it would be latife if it didn't have to lose part of it's insurance business, if it wasn't 89% dependent on insurance for profit and the fact a very large % of it's travel revenue is yielding only a 10th of the overall profit.I bought a small stake in this, it now seems like a mistake -- As realistically it is an insurance company, it's also possibly at a disadvantage since a large population 0-50 years can't be customers -- other insurance companes have no such restriction.It's either a good buy, or a good bye bye.Games

harry belly fonti 30 Jan 2018

Re: Record profits expected/Dividend maintai... Have a read of the Stockwatch article from 8th Dec 2017 to see why the SP has tanked. [link]

latife 24 Jan 2018

re Surly this must be a buy???

Thedarkkn1ght 24 Jan 2018

Record profits expected/Dividend maintained In 2014, the year Saga floated on the stock exchange the company reported profit of c. £165m. This year the City is predicting that Saga will grow profit to c. £190m. This will be a record high level of profit for the company. Cash generation is very strong, and Saga has paid down a significant proportion of the debt inherited at IPO. The Group’s dividend has grown strongly throughout the past few years and again hopes to pay a record high level of dividend to shareholders this year.********** ********** ********** *********Pity the SP has tanked 40% in response to record profits!!!

FRTEB 23 Jan 2018

Re: Woody must be as sick as a.... " Shareholders in Woodford's funds have seen this reaction 20-30 or 40 times across the 3 funds, all of which seem in a terrible state over the last 3 years - the disquiet on his message boards is something to see - Hargreaves have virtually delisted W from the recommended funds for clients. It seems his teams analytical skills leave a lot to be desired. " Yes, and all for an annual management fee of 1%. Roll up, roll up, exciting new FRTEB Capital and Income fund IPO. Losses guaranteed. Annual management fee of only 0.25% pa for the first 500,000 clients. It's all in the marketing.

gamesinvestor 23 Jan 2018

Re: Woody must be as sick as a.... "we believe it is yet another over-reaction by the market"Nothing to do with stock selection and entering at the correct price level then?Shareholders in Woodford's funds have seen this reaction 20-30 or 40 times across the 3 funds, all of which seem in a terrible state over the last 3 years - the disquiet on his message boards is something to see - Hargreaves have virtually delisted W from the recommended funds for clients. It seems his teams analytical skills leave a lot to be desired.So much for mine, I'm now (quick check) 13.7% down on this sucker!Thank the heavens it's only a tiny proportion of my wad.It might be appropriate to change the ticker symbol to SAGGames

Eagerbeaver66 22 Jan 2018

Re: Woody must be as sick as a.... 'We are satisfied that this dividend is safe, but it is now less likely to grow than we had previously expected.'- It seems that's not enough these days - after a few years of everyone 'chasing yield', now it seems that good yields are discounted in a 'chase for growth'.
