Maven Income And Growth VCT Live Discussion

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Red Ninja 30 May 2016

Re: performance puzzle.. Mmm, I believe Maven took over this VCT back in 2013, NAV has increased in that time by around 10%+ and the company has been paying steady if unspectacular dividends at around 1.4% at the current price.I hold a few to see if the company can do what they did for Maven 4, but accept the new VCT rules may make it much harder for Maven to succeed.

livewire 23 May 2016

performance puzzle.. This is a puzzle to me show excellent performance over 3 years[link] 3yr 58% NAV growth 3 yr 16%div yield 2.1% ....... but this does stack up against the maven reports, which show sluggish growth and low dividends.What am I missing?. Is trustnet wrong? If performance is so good and NAV growth is lower, I would expect payent to come via dividends, this is clearly not happening ?Any help would be appreciated, I put some money in, was it a mistake ?
