Matrix Income & Growth 4 VCT Live Discussion

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cloakey 23 Dec 2017

is everybody happy SP @ 75p,,, a good thing these vct`s or are your egos still involved ?

cloakey 18 Aug 2017

Re: am i reading this right Well I just took the £2.00 from the `cost` column on iii so don`t actually know what that`s there for but anyway down 15% yesterday, 16% today. Also have Northern (2) which is my best performing, only down 35% in the 17 years I`ve owned it. Others down 81% with minimal divs, of course now that the shares are worth 20% of their original value the divs look GREAT Absolutely GREAT buys ( for the managers ). but if you think that one of the riskiest, legal, investments on the market is worth it for a `hoped for` 6% return is great then fair enough but there are bond funds paying that and with growth.

TTg 18 Aug 2017

Re: am i reading this right The original price of Mobius VCTs was £1.I don't buy VCTs for capital growth. I treat them as an alternative to an annuity - I am giving up capital (which I recognise I will never get back) in exchange for a lumpy but pretty steady flow of totally tax free income. Looked at this way they are a GREAT buy! Stick with the better names (Mobius, Maven, Northern, Baronsmead) and you're pretty much guaranteed 6-8% per year tax free, with actual averages over the past 5 years in double figures.

cloakey 17 Aug 2017

Re: am i reading this right And there we have it, the drop, being paid our own money ! ............. yes, have held these vcts now for over 17 years and had I paid the taxes due at the time and put the net money into an average Investment trust I would be net/net much better off. This was a fund I owned taken over by Mobeus. Can`t even remember who it was previously as this is maybe the second time but I see that Mobeus opening value was 200p ( is that correct ) and it`s now, to sell,78p. I think I read that it has paid 98p in divs since inception, is that right ? well then as they say, do the maths. I own 21k shares and am down £25 k on this one. Still this £3780 is very welcome. Looking back should never have bought vcts. though. Good luck with yours.

Krayl 16 Aug 2017

Re: am i reading this right I think you can assume that most of the dividend payout will be compensated for by a drop in the price.You said in your previous post that you hadn't taken into account dividend and tax but these are both vital to whether this is a good investment. Personally I am quite happy to hold these as a diversification to my income portfolio.

cloakey 09 Aug 2017

am i reading this right it`s showing next `interim` dividend as 18 p per share,, that`s over 20% of the share price. a sodding good dividend if that`s so. but then why is the share price only up 1.6% if it`s payable to those on the register on 11/08. or are we looking for another large dip in the SP come going ex-div

cloakey 25 Feb 2017

Re: just had my Mobeous VCT Newsletter well I haven`t looked into the IHT angle and certainly didn`t buy for that reason, just thought that as AIM shares were suitable then surely VCT shares would be.Can`t see how having bought at 105 and the sp now standing at 88 you can be ahead, on this one anyway. It, with it`s history of taking over from a previous manager + Mobeous this is down 55%. I haven`t taken tax relief nor dividends into account but then even in a bank savings you`d expect your capital back and I know that if I`d paid the tax ( and remember the gov. doesn`t give something for nothing ) and put the 100k into an average Inv. Tr. it would at least have doubled by now making me 150k better off ... but you live and you learn. I hope you don`t learn the hard way.

megastream 24 Feb 2017

Re: just had my Mobeous VCT Newsletter Ok - I have only been in this game for about 12 years, and I keep vcts below 10% of my equity holdings, with modest purchases in most years. In my experience they have performed satisfactorily. Currently their market value is approximately 32% above the net (of income tax) purchase price, and the tax free dividends amount to an additional 52% of the net purchase price. I admit that a substantial fraction of these gains comes from the tax rebate, which varied from 40% down to its current 30% level - and this was enhanced by the buy-back-with-tax-rebate policy which has now been outlawed. So I am a reasonably content customer - however I would caution you on the IHT angle. As far as I am aware VCTs do not qualify for business property relief - so they are not appropriate for IHT planning. I wish they were!

cloakey 24 Feb 2017

Re: just had my Mobeous VCT Newsletter well Mega, I don`t really see where you`re coming from. You bought the shares @ 105 and they`re now 88 if you wished to sell. Yes you did get a tax `escape` in buying, of whatever but that shouldn`t be taken into account as to how well the trust is doing and yes we have had divs, I think I`d quite a nice one from Mobeous a few years ago which then immediately cut the value of the shares, so swings n roundabouts and buying your own divs.Mobeous happens to be my second best performer Northern 2 being the best. ( down 29.5 % over 17 years ) I have had these trusts for 17 years putting in £152,000 , on advice, now worth £53,750 so please don`t tell me `what is` ! I don`t know what `incarnation` this is with Mobeous or when it took its previous one over, or even what it`s predecessor was called, they have all had more incarnations than Doctor Who with Nor.2 being the only one that hasn`t changed name but I can`t say how many times it`s board has changed. It seems that they run the trust, badly, then move on, with the new `caretakers` starting afresh without stigma,,, then as I have found, they do the same ad infinitum British Sm. cos 2Crown PlaceForesightMobeous Northern2are my misfortunes and now I only hold for IHT reasons. Yes the divs are now at about 7%, well they would be as the capital has fallen by 66%. So if I`d put in almost any other investment trust 17 years ago I`d be much better off even allowing for the tax benefits and dividends. I sincerely hope yours do well for you and to be truthful I haven`t allowed these losses to make me bitter, it`s just annoying to see that they haven`t got a health warning writ large and in red.good luckC

megastream 23 Feb 2017

Re: just had my Mobeous VCT Newsletter cloakey - I'm a bit confused by your statistics, and how you could have sustained a lossThe graph for MIG4 shows that if you had invested 1000 at its NAV on 30/9/11, this would have grown to £1410 (NAV plus dividends) at 30/9/16. Now given that most of us purchase new shares, which are usually priced at a few percent above NAV, but which come with a tax rebate of 30% (for a five year hold), the gain has been substantial (62% in my case for a purchase on 10/2/14).In my experience, VCTs from most of the major players provide a generous stream of tax free income while roughly maintaining their price - certainly above the tax rebated initial cost. For a retired pensioner they are (in my experience) a much better bet than an annuity, or a bank deposit account, and they add a bit of diversity to mainstream equity holdings.

cloakey 22 Feb 2017

just had my Mobeous VCT Newsletter Does anybody believe this fairytale. `` no, honestly , just because your shares inc. dividends are worth less than in 2011 doesn`t mean you`ve lost money``.... Oh, all right then !And now we have one of Hargreaves managers saying that we should but VCT`s. This and my other 5 vct`s are by far the worst investments ever.Won`t say `strong sell` as it`s too late for that but certainly a ``don`t buy`` recommendation would be apt...
