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southernhay 21 Aug 2015

Re: Been trying to buy in small size I did something crazy - I have never heard of this company before this morning and decided to plug in £1k on a whim. I sold that £1k when I was £850 up ! How crazy is that haha

onedb1 21 Aug 2015

Re: THESE COULD EASILY HIT 20p+ How did you get them ? I was pressing the buy button in the 3s and was given NOTHING ! no quote ! made me mad ! Well done , and good luck I reckon am done for this week can't see much happening this pm elsewhere . Am feeling sick with envy as I felt I was super quick to this one,

alltold9 21 Aug 2015

THESE COULD EASILY HIT 20p+ With planning consent it turns them into GOLD DUST! Got in @3.70p so could be a mighty good tickle

onedb1 21 Aug 2015

Been trying to buy in small size Only £2/k4k for ages this morning , started at 3.5p !! but no fill . now its almost at 5p ! How annoying is that ? win some lose some but a good 40% up from my entry would have made me happy in less than 1 hours and probably going to hit 10p !! Damn £800 to £1600 in 1 hour or more than £2/4 by Tuesday !! Good luck to those who managed to buy some , well done .
