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13:10 20/02/2015

frustrated after a week....try 3 years lol!

18:17 19/02/2015

yeah 3 mil from Rurelec which they give straight to Turbocare.....

13:39 17/02/2015

someone please tell asif that the money from rur will be paid directly to turbocare....

14:52 16/02/2015

funny, been watching this share for over 3 years and never seen asif posting up until last week.

09:00 16/02/2015

these guys need to read the rns, 4.4 mil owed to turbocare, looking to settle with iris which could be 3.2 mil and the ppa expires next month....nav is the least of its worries.

17:19 12/02/2015

yes asif, i would say mostly hand wringing.

10:20 11/02/2015

crunch time, iris appeal must be hitting soon along with ppa expiry and turbocare default.

11:46 09/02/2015

someone wanna tell asif that ipsa owe turbocare millions....that will swallow up this dosh so dont get too excited...

13:03 06/02/2015

The mm's have clearly made good money, bought for 1p and sold for 1.6-2.3p. Not one of this lot even understand the situation the company is in.

10:09 05/02/2015

I don't think this lot realise that SA are currently in a power crisis, there's no money, IPSA's PPA is running out in weeks, they are in default with Turbocare and to top it off there's a big court case hanging over their heads.
