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theprior 23 May 2018

Re: Sp “Investors at the current price might make a fortune, but it is more likely that they will end up making a loss.” Without analysis of “more likely” this statement can’t possibly be classsed as “fact”.What is fact is that after reformation of the company last year (when there was, of course, no revenue) the company is now producing from established wells and has a visible revenue stream. This is reflected in the recent rise in sp.Selling at this point may make some people a profit (certainly I’m ahead of my average price) but my intention is to hold for a much higher sp in the future.I’m comfortable with my position here.TP

numberbiter 22 May 2018

Re: Sp I might eat humble pie if this company ever achieves any revenue. All I do is report the facts; I appreciate this unnerves investors, but those who have yet to buy this share and are thinking about it need to know the facts. Reporting the facts is NOT de-ramping; I am merely preventing speculative ramping.So here are the facts1) This is purely a speculative share. Investors at the current price might make a fortune, but it is more likely that they will end up making a loss.(2) The last published accounts for the company were for the year ended 31 December 2017. In that year, there was NO revenue and costs of drilling etc plus administration amounted to £5.8 million, resulting in an operating LOSS of the same figure.(3) Cash continued to evaporate.If you like speculative investing - fine, otherwise steer clear.

tiptoppunter 19 May 2018

I'm in Good news and like the momentum here especially the short programme. Took a position here first thing on Friday and so far so good! I hope we get a similar run to SOU where I was fortunate to sell near the Ath. If we continue to hit the sweet spot then anything is achievable IMHO. Ps. Not posted in a while on iii boards as my focus is now in Crypto!Tiptop

cyniccris 18 May 2018

Re: Sp it is only a matter of time when de-rampers are rumbled - this time it took just 19 hours...."They have NEVER achieved any revenue that relates to a sale. It is always 'jam' tomorrow." and yet they have announced a column of 40m with furtehr exploration being undertaken.Eat humble pie please numberbiter.

theprior 18 May 2018

Gas discovery RNS today announces 14.5m of gas pay discovered in the current well. Top end of estimates.Good newsTP

numberbiter 14 May 2018

Re: Sp Napalm. When I went to school 8.75 x 3 = 26.25. Now since I recommended a strong sell at 8.75p, the highest price this share has been is a fraction over 17.5p. So I can accept 'doubled' but 'nearly trebled' is over egging the pudding.If you look at my 'strong sell' recommendations in total, rather taking the isolated case, then you will find I am right most of the time. However, when I recommend a 'strong sell' prices often increase before they collapse. Whether you like it or not, this share in highly speculative. They have NEVER achieved any revenue that relates to a sale. It is always 'jam' tomorrow. Some people like to talk such shares up and others fall for it. My recommendations are therefore aimed at long term investors, not short term speculators.

theprior 14 May 2018

Re: The Prior Hey, less of the “old” )TP

Napalm012 14 May 2018

Re: The Prior Here is the financial guru at his best, nice work on this thread old boy.

Napalm012 14 May 2018

Re: Sp Wow, number bitter is back, we last spoke 29th/30th August 2017, where you proceeded to tell everyone how they were wrong investing in echo and posted a strong sell at 8.75p. Since that, it never went lower, the sp doubled and nearly trebled, so, in conclusion, I'd suggest your views mean squat and you haven't actually got any clue what you are doing. History proves that on this share, you could have costed people a lot of money if they followed your advice. No offence meant by this, but your obviously way out of your depth in the share trading game. How do you justify your previous terrible predictions?

numberbiter 11 May 2018

Re: Sp I have just looked at the latest published accounts, being the year ended 31 December 2017. There is no revenue whatsoever and the company lost £7.5 million, There are no tangible fixed assets and the only effective tangible current asset is cash, which they have plenty of. BUT there is also a hefty long term loan and if you take this away from the wad of cash then there is only enough money in the pot to last one year at the current rate of cash burn.Investors should realise that this is a highly speculative share. Given the number of shares in issue the company would have to make substantial profits in the future to justify the current share price. You can all work it out for yourselves. To justify the current share price EPS would have to equal 1.3p per share. Now the full year accounts tell you what the loss per share is when losses amount to £7.5 million. So you can work out what net profit is needed to get to 1.3p per share. If you believe the company can achieve this level of profit then fine; like Prior you must be a super optimist. Realists will sell while they can, as it is not certain that the company will be in business in a year's time.

theprior 11 May 2018

Statement re Argy Pesos Lots of murmurings on Twitter about the recent interest rate rise in Argentina. This RNS puts the rumours to bed...NO EXPOSURE TO LOCAL RATES.Excellent news.TP

theprior 09 May 2018

Re: Spud Despite all the good news recently the sp remains moribund in the 12/13 range. The open communication policy of the triumvirate seems to be working against it at the moment for some reason. SOU is still exploring, seismic etc, drills later this year. Coro is still looking for its Asian booty, but ECHO is steaming ahead and there is no apparent reason for the slothful nature of the sp. surely people can see the difference here? Echo is the one making progress here. Revenue already established and more, much more to come.Luck allTP

theprior 09 May 2018

Spud First Exploration well spuddedTP

theprior 04 May 2018

Nice flare ! [link]

theprior 30 Apr 2018

OPerational update Still progressing well, moving quickly to get the worked over wells into productionTP
