Coal of Africa Forum

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11:50 16/09/2014

slip sliding away - slip sliding again - the more the desperation the more she slip slides away

11:36 15/09/2014

oh dear! nothing more to say......

09:38 29/08/2014

get out now! lol

12:31 22/08/2014

fossil fuels are not what anyone should be investing in at the moment - especially AIM fossil fuel companys - aimho...

11:01 21/08/2014

aiming to buy here at 2p to average is coming believe me....

14:54 07/08/2014

coal of africa - more like out of africa imho - out of africa and on the dole!!

14:30 07/08/2014

death spiral im afraid - wont be here in 6 months imho - oh well kissed my holding goodbye in this one months ago

14:33 06/08/2014

would love to know what the poor guys that financed this shower at 25p are thinking - someone there must be for the high jump!!!! how many millions did they invest?

12:05 01/08/2014

horrible horrible company - wish i had never heard of this pile of carp

12:04 01/08/2014

shameful work by the directors to let this get to this point - no way back imho
