CAP-XX Live Discussion

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1private 22 May 2015

I think some here are missing the point , if you win a contract worth 40m then the contract is worth 40m regardless of the price. and each contract will be different.

guyswonga74 22 May 2015

Surely by now most of those placing shares that were being flipped have been bought into by now. As I would imagine a fair amount of the placing shares are being held longer term ?

1private 22 May 2015

Cordless screwdrivers they take ages to charge, they would be great in devices like power tools.

1private 22 May 2015

Dyson could do with one of those Supercapacitors their machines take an age to charge.

1private 21 May 2015

Future price 22p 2016

guyswonga74 21 May 2015

Looks like s background buy being worked. Sp steady desite these sells

1private 21 May 2015

now gone from one extreme to the other sell 3.96 buying at 3.985.

1private 21 May 2015

How long will it be before the authorities take a look at the manipulation that goes on on AIM they were slow to pick up the Bank dealings,

1private 21 May 2015

That 300k was a sell.

supercapacitorman 21 May 2015
