Aquarius Platinum Forum

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05:46 04/02/2016

Should i sell and get rid of the stock now or keep it int he hopes that the deal might still not go through

06:13 15/01/2016

Who is voting for and against ?

13:19 12/01/2016

i meant i voted against the take over yesterday, I see the share price has rose a little...whats that about ?

13:19 12/01/2016

I voted yesterday

19:05 06/10/2015

Just dont support the transaction - I see investec is against the take over - Good for them - Sibanye is just chancing

12:12 06/10/2015

I would like to see the % of Shareholders who purchased over 12.9p...Sibanye is scoring and AQP is the loser

09:16 06/10/2015

this is a terrible offer - most shareholders have bought at a much higher price than what is been offered ...whats going on here i missing something ?

02:37 08/06/2015

aqp is making losses for the past 4 yrs and continue to do so, there a reason why the sp is so low

23:39 16/04/2015

platinum prices have gone up and aqp sp going down, is this why uncertainty in south africa

06:14 10/03/2015

AQP is at an all time low, I bought @ ZAR3.75 and its currently ZAR1,90 - will it get better or should i cut my losses ?
