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Just wanted to post my recent experiences, I will not be too graphic, being a public site, I have looked at other forums and they all seem too energetic and also checked out medical solution video that I have been researching on but couldn't find much.
Enough history, the point to my post is that the doctors seem to be very threatening in sectioning, medication - a few months in and I am spiralling down, no complaints from me, just I don't know what to do anymore, Samaritans a great at listening, I know I can no longer tell the doctors the truth any more, who I have to be in contact with daily (their community health team, as I am not with crisis team anymore)' but the doctor weekly..they will put me in hospital who can you speak to that will do more than listen, but not section you ?

I don't know any more, feeling like a burden, and can't explain where the guilt has come from. Please help me out.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
